Who Is Saroj Devi Agrawal, Sarpanch Braving The Odds To Create A Change In Her Village

Who Is Saroj Devi Agrawal, Sarpanch Braving The Odds To Create A Change In Her Village

Bhaleswar sarpanch Saroj Devi Agrawal does everything in her capacity to empower little girls and women in her village – Read her inspiring journey!

The term ‘sarpanch’ typically conjures up images of an elderly man with grey hair, sometimes wearing a turban, sporting a thick mustache, carrying a stick, and commanding the terror and respect of an entire community. It never occurs to us to think of a woman but this woman sarpanch in Odisha’s small hamlet is making headlines for all the right reasons. Saroj Devi Agrawal is the sarpanch of Bhaleswar in the Naupada district who stood up despite discrimination against women to pursue careers in public administration.

India.com got in touch with Saroj Devi Agrawal to talk about her phenomenal contribution at length. Baleshwar’s sarpanch told us how much she enjoys working for the people. She said, “I have given my life to people and I enjoy working for them. It is like my addiction.”


Following her marriage, Saroj Devi, a city girl, was forced to relocate to a hamlet. She continued to fight for her rights while finding it challenging to adjust. After becoming a sarpanch in 1990, she continued to fight for her rights and made a difference. For the past 32 years, she has consistently let her work speak for itself. She endured adversity and last year was elected to the position of sarpanch in her community.


Saroj Devi Agrawal has employed drones to provide her panchayat’s residents with old age and disability pensions. Additionally, she uses them to give sick people their medications. The sarpanch anticipated that in the future, the drone will assist in providing other services to people in remote locations. Seven villages make up Bhaleswar Panchayat. Agrawal used a drone on her own initiative, according to Block Development Officer (BDO) Subedar Pradhan of Nuapada, because the government does not have the funding to purchase such equipment to provide services to beneficiaries.

Saroj Devi Agrawal suggested empowering females to take on leadership roles in order to advance gender equality in society. In order to create awareness about the empowerment of girls, Agrawal developed a two-pronged strategy for her campaign that included planting trees to protect the environment. The sarpanch of Bhaleswar panchayat made the announcement that 50 trees will be planted for every girl child born, highlighting the need to abolish gender discrimination in all of its manifestations.

In addition to this, Saroj Devi has been advocating for widow pensions and ration cards to provide free rice to the less fortunate, who were not previously listed. She has ensured that the deceased’s family receives at least Rs. 3000 immediately for cremation as part of the State Government’s Harishchandra Yojna. She has been constructing ponds in her community as part of the MGNREGS, a central government program that also offers employment. For those unable to walk, Saroj Devi also delivered free rice under the food security program to the distribution facility.


Saroj Agrawal is currently working mae their small hamlet a smart village with smart anganwadi and smart school. She is making the odds meet to get CCTV in her village, school, and anganwadis. Her aim is to have RO water, fans, and desks for every school and anganwadi in the village.

Women’s sarpanches throughout India have shown great promise because most of them have made it to the top by challenging patriarchal norms.

Article Credits: India.com

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