Climate change is leading to the bloom of abrupt invasive species that endanger biodiversity and wildlife

Some four years after the mysterious death of nearly 400 African elephants in Botswana’s Okavango Delta, remote sensing and spatial analysis suggest that the massive die-off was a result of drinking from stagnant water holes (pans) where toxic algae populations had exploded due to climate change.
Until now, there was no evidence to support the widely debated idea that poisoning was the cause of these deaths in May-June of 2020.
This new study led by King’s College London has provided additional evidence to support the findings that elephants died from drinking water poisoned by an explosion of toxic algae populations in the water pans due to the effects of climate change.
The climate crisis is increasing the intensity and severity of harmful algal blooms. After drinking the affected water pans, elephants of all ages were spotted walking in circles before collapsing and dying. This baffled scientists, with many theories circulating about the cause of death, including cyanide poisoning or some unknown infections.
‘Increased harmful cyanobacteria bloom risks’
The 11-member team of international researchers stated their analysis shows animals were very likely poisoned by stagnant watering pans where toxic blooms of blue-green algae, or cyanobacteria, had developed after a very wet year followed a very dry one.
“The drastic changes in ecohydrological and climate conditions, particularly in the shift between 2019 (low rainfall and high temperatures) and 2020 (high rainfall and lower temperature), underscore the likelihood for altered water quality and increased harmful cyanobacteria bloom risks,” the researchers say in their findings published in the journal Science of The Total Environment.
“These environmental dynamics, occurring in tandem with the carcass spatial clustering, provide compelling evidence of water quality deterioration as a possible contributing factor in the mass die-off event.”
The mass elephant deaths are cause for great concern to the global conservation stakeholders as the African elephant population has fallen drastically in the past half century. Already threatened by poaching, climate change-including deaths such as these mass-die offs add further pressure to the pachyderms’ fast dwindling population.
“This unprecedented die-off within the largest remaining population of a threatened signature megafauna underlines the escalating concerns surrounding the impact of drought and climate change on the Okavango Delta, one of the most important ecosystems in the world,” the researchers concluded. “Globally, this event underscores the alarming trend of sudden, climate-induced diseases affecting large ungulates, reflecting the broader, devastating impacts of climate change on biodiversity and ecosystem health.
Satellite data and spatial analysis
Lead researcher, Davide Lomeo, a researcher in the Department of Geography at King’s College London and co-supervised by Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) and the Natural History Museum says by combining satellite data and spatial analysis, the team was able to trace the link between 20 most contaminated of the nearly 3,400 waterholes in the area and the locations of deceased elephants to conclude that they were the sources of the deaths.
Their analysis pointed to waterholes near the carcasses having heightened algal levels and repeated bloom events in 2020 compared to previous years, especially during the period coinciding with the mass die offs.
“We identified 20 waterholes near fresh carcasses that experienced increased algal bloom events in 2020 compared to the previous three years combined. These waterholes also exhibited the highest average algal biomass of the period 2015 – 2023,” said Lomeo. He said these findings point to heightened risk and likelihood of the presence of algal toxins in these waterholes.
After drinking the contaminated water, the elephants were estimated to have walked an average of 16.5 km from the toxic waterholes and died within some 88 hours of exposure.
The team concluded that the shift from a very dry 2019, a driest year in decades, to an extremely wet 2020 could have led to a resuspension of significant amounts of sediments and nutrients from the ground, promoting the unprecedented algal growth.
The research also showed that decayed elephant carcasses were more spread out across the landscape than fresh carcasses, indicating that the die-off in 2020 was different from ordinary elephant mortality patterns.
Not only elephants died. It is believed that thousands of other smaller animals also died, but usually these are disposed of by carnivorous scavengers, leaving no carcasses, unlike in the case of elephants.
Toxins produced by the algae growing in watering holes was one suspected cause of the elephants’ deaths, though evidence had remained inconclusive, in part because the event took place in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic when movements were restricted, preventing the timely collection of samples.
The deaths of 25 elephants in neighbouring Zimbabwe from septicaemia in the same year had appeared to cast some doubt on algal toxins being the cause of the deaths of the elephants in northern Botswana.
Need for water quality surveillance
At 132,000, Botswana is home to a third of all African elephants, followed by Zimbabwe with about 100,000 of the jumbos. Four other southern African countries also have sizable elephant numbers. The findings are a cause of concern as the region is experiencing another round of severe drought the end of which might result in a repeat of the 2019-20 conditions that led to the mass-die off of the animals.
“Southern Africa is projected to become drier and hotter under climate changes, and as a result, waterholes across this region will likely be drier for more months of the year. Our findings point to the potential negative effects on water quantity and quality, and the catastrophic repercussions on animals, this could have,” Lomeo said.
He said their work, conducted in collaboration with the local authorities in Botswana, underscores the severe ecological consequences of toxic algal proliferation, emphasising the critical need for comprehensive water quality surveillance across all waterbodies, including the smallest ones.
“The research demonstrates the effectiveness of satellite-based detection in identifying diverse sources of contamination, reinforcing the importance of expanding Earth observation applications to enable swift intervention when similar environmental threats emerge.”
The study involved researchers from the University of Botswana, the Natural History Museum, London, Queen’s University Belfast, and the Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML).
Article Credit: downtoearth