International Para-Athlete Malathi Holla is a Champion for the Differently-Abled

“Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.”-Mahatma Gandhi.

Most of us take our lives for granted. Despite being physically fit, we keep complaining and making excuses. And here they are – the so-called differently-abled people, who prove that you don’t need two hands, legs or eyes to succeed. All you need is willpower and determination. 


Here is an Inspirinf Story of Padma Shri Dr Malathi K Holla That Prove Impossible Is Nothing:

When 1-year-old Malathi’s parents got to know that she had polio, they were devastated. The raging fever left her paralyzed from the neck down and the little girl underwent surgery after surgery but to no avail. She did gain some strength in her upper body, but the lower parts remained dysfunctional. But Malathi did not give up. Her journey from being a helpless kid to Padma Shri awardee is awe-inspiring. She has also won the Arjuna Award with over 400 medals in shot put, discus, javelin, wheelchair race and obstacle race. After living a hard life for years, she decided to open the Mathru Foundation in Bangalore for differently-abled children from rural India. At 56, she is still the fastest female Indian athlete on a wheelchair. We have only one word for her – Respect!

Article Source: ScoopWhoop

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