Sangeeta Waldron at India CSR Leadership Summit

Sangeeta Waldron, (Award Winning Publicist; CSR Journalist, Founder & CEO of Serendipity PR) London, UK delivered special talk at India CSR Leadership Summit in New Delhi held on April 27, 2018 organized by India CSR Network.

This annual CSR forum provides a unique opportunity to the leaders and organizations with their operations in India, to talk and showcase the work being carried out in CSR domain and how it forms an integral part of the company’s contribution to society.

The Summit​ is designed to celebrate five years of CSR Law of India and with the​ deep belief that business responsibility has immense potential to transform the society. Visit for more detail:

She is a multi-award winning Public Relations and media professional with over two decades’ worth of publicity, branding, communications, crisis management, media and social media experience. A global speaker who was recently invited to speak alongside the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan about being a woman in business in the Capital.

During the course of her career Sangeeta has actively worked within the ‘third sector’ and is a journalist, specializing in sustainable business news and corporate social responsibility (CSR). She has been contributing editor for, part of 3BL Media, the largest global news platform on sustainable business news and CSR. Sangeeta started out her career writing speeches for previous UK Prime Ministers and Ministers and has also worked at the top level with big, powerful global brands such as the Economist Group; The Times; Cass Business School; including charities such as Breast Cancer Campaign.

Today, she runs her own successful London based PR agency, Serendipity PR & Media, working across business, arts, culture and books in growth international markets. Sangeeta sits on different boards and is currently on the FSB’s Diversity Taskforce; previously she was Chairman of Alternatives, which hosts all London’s wellbeing events with leading names such as Deepak Chopra, Russell Brand, Eckhart Tolle and more.

Article Source: India CSR

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