Search Results for: UNICEF

Climate change will escalate child health crisis due to malnutrition, says Gates

 Malnutrition is the world’s worst child health crisis and climate change will only make things more severe, according to Microsoft-co-founder turned philanthropist Bill Gates. Between now and 2050, 40 million more children will have stunted growth and 28 million more will suffer from wasting, the most extreme and irreversible forms of malnutrition, as a result …

Climate change will escalate child health crisis due to malnutrition, says Gates Read More »

Community-led nutrition initiatives in rural India can boost diet diversity, empower women: Study

SynopsisWomen in Rajasthan’s Pindwara village have improved nutrition via kitchen gardens, while Chhattisgarh revived traditional crops for a better diet. A study highlighted the role of community efforts in enhancing diet diversity, suggesting training local health workers and offering food subsidies to improve outcomes. Community engagement is key for nutritional success. In the Pindwara village …

Community-led nutrition initiatives in rural India can boost diet diversity, empower women: Study Read More »

Number of specialists in the field of child rights protection will triple

Alexei Buzu, Minister of Labor and Social Protection, Maha Damaj, UNICEF Country Representative in the Republic of Moldova and Marina Morozova, Member of Parliament, Deputy Chair of the Social Protection, Health and Family Committee, held a press conference where they announced new intervention measures to strengthen the child protection field. The tripling of the number …

Number of specialists in the field of child rights protection will triple Read More »

Ending child labour Project | Why education is key

While significant progress has been made over the past two decades towards the elimination of child labour, there are still some 160 million children engaged in child labour worldwide.  Child labour not only violates children’s rights by depriving them of their right to education, safety and leisure, but it also impedes their ability to realize …

Ending child labour Project | Why education is key Read More »

Uttar Pradesh Deploys 65,000 Teachers For Special Education To Differently-Abled Children

Uttar Pradesh mobilizes 65,000 general teachers for specialized training to cater to the educational needs of over three lakh differently-abled children, with a comprehensive cross-disability module developed in collaboration with key organizations. In a significant move, Uttar Pradesh has announced that 65,000 general teachers will be equipped to deliver specialized education to over three lakh …

Uttar Pradesh Deploys 65,000 Teachers For Special Education To Differently-Abled Children Read More »

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