Out and abroad: businesses have a responsibility to support gay staff

Global employers are leading by example, setting up tolerant and inclusive workplaces all over the world.


It may be more than a decade since anti-discrimination legislation was introduced in the UK to protect lesbian, gay and bisexual people at work, but the picture for LGB workers worldwide remains bleak. Just a quarter of countries offer similar employment protections and homosexual acts remain illegal in 77 countries and may be punishable by death in 10.


With many businesses expanding into lucrative emerging economies where gay rights are still stifled, how can corporations help improve equality in less tolerant societies by creating inclusive workplaces around the world?

“Corporations have a significant ability to influence society, not through government lobbying, but just through their actions and being role models,” claims Vincent Cipollone, corporate development executive for IBM.

Cipollone is a frequent flyer for the technology giant, regularly visiting IBM’s offices around the world and dealing with mergers and acquisitions. He says that, as a gay man, he has to be careful in some of the countries he visits. But that no matter where he is working, IBM’s global policy of promoting an inclusive workplace means he feels safe in any office and free to be himself.

The company’s commitment to fostering an inclusive work environment across all its branches means IBM has been able to promote diversity in the face of anti-gay legislation in Russia, for example, or the re-criminalisation of homosexuality in India. That is without, of course, infringing on the laws of each country. In order to make this blanket approach to diversity and inclusion effective, however, you need to start from the top. “We have a global policy for diversity, which includes anti-discrimination, that is signed by our CEO and is something that everyone at IBM is required to abide by,” Cipollone says. In order to help all branches implement this and ensure that it is consistently applied, there is a dedicated person within each HR team who is responsible for diversity and inclusion.

Leading Lights

But can leading by example really bring about change in countries where legislation on gay rights is still lagging behind? Mark McLane, head of diversity and inclusion at Barclays, believes it can. Through strategies to develop inclusive workplaces, he says organisations “can help society nudge forward and get better at relating to diversity”. “In the USA, for example, there are still more than 20 [sic 29] states where you can be legally fired for being gay. Yet many or all of the Fortune 500 companies are offering same-sex couples domestic partner benefits that are much more progressive than current legislation,” McLane adds.

In other countries where even the idea of a gay or lesbian relationship is taboo or banned, Barclays has found success with “straight ally” programmes – a network of staff, managers, department heads and senior leaders who challenge and inspire others to make their workplace gay-friendly.

Simon Feeke, director of workplace programmes at LGB equality rights charity Stonewall, says networks for gay staff to find support and advice are useful for organisations operating in countries where homosexuality is illegal. He points out that, while some sexual acts may be banned, it is not usually a crime for gay people to assemble as a group. It means you can push relevant messages subtly without inadvertently outing anyone – something which Feeke is keen companies are mindful of once they start talking about diversity and inclusion in different parts of the world. “You don’t want to expose people or make them vulnerable,” he says. “As soon as staff leave the office, they are no longer protected by that employer. Of course it is important to raise awareness and reinforce your expectations about treatment in the workplace, but under no circumstances should an employer put a person under a spotlight or create opportunities for others to speculate on their sexuality. That would put people at very serious risk.”

Going global Stonewall has been working closely with UK employers to improve workplace policies since 2003 when it launched its Workplace Equality Index, ranking the country’s leading companies according to their LGB-friendly credentials. A year ago the charity started its Global Diversity Champions programme, providing members with expertise, as well as the opportunity to network with other like-minded international corporations.

Feeke says over the years he has seen an enormous effort made by these organisations to improve diversity and inclusion, with both IBM and Barclays being commended for their policies. How do they reconcile their commitment to diversity but also expanding into countries with often deplorable human rights records?

Feeke says it is a balancing act for many corporations, eager to do business but also aware of their responsibility to their staff. It is, however, an opportunity to talk to a government about why its discriminatory laws actually hinder investment in that country, with businesses feeling unable to send some of their most talented staff there. “If these countries want a vibrant economy and they want to appeal to the corporate giants who are going to create jobs there, then they need to look at what it is that is attracting people to invest there. It’s not just about human rights anymore, it’s about economic growth. Some business leaders are really taking the opportunity to make that point when it is appropriate,” he says. Despite many organisations making huge progress to improve inclusion for lesbian and gay staff in workplaces around the world, there is still a long way to go.

Berkeley Wilde, director of business consultancy The Diversity Trust, says many employers remain frustratingly timid in their approach to inclusion, waiting for a lawsuit to land on their desk first before making any policy changes. Wilde insists that prevention is always better than cure, and encourages organisations to look at ways to improve its practices before mistakes are made leading to a legal challenge. “Without seeming imperialistic, freedom of speech and human rights are not only western concepts.

They are human, shared concepts, and I think that companies and organisations should be taking steps and strides to increase tolerance in those environments that they are working in,” Wilde says.


This article was taken from here.

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