New Plant-Based Drug Using Curcumin Could Help Cancer Patients

study at the University of California, Los Angeles, found that a plant-based drug showed signs of helping patients with head and neck cancers.

The drug is called APG-157 and includes plant-based compounds, including curcumin.

Curcumin is an antioxidant that reduces inflammation and swelling. When taken orally, there is poor absorption in the blood. Researchers found that when curcumin is dosed through oral mucosal absorption, higher levels were found in blood and in cancer tissues.

This means patients were given a lozenge that dissolves into the mouth, instead of a pill to swallow.

Patients that received the treatment had reduced Bacteroides, a bacteria that is not easily visible in the immune system.

The patients also had increased T-cells, which are used to kill tumors and patients had decreases cytokines, proteins in saliva that cause inflammation.

Curcumin is one of the compounds found in turmeric. Turmeric is known for reducing inflammation and helping immune systems.

Article Credit: onegreenplanet

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