Earth Craft Shop:- Eat Good. Feel Good. Do Good
Plant based Whole foods
All products are Plant-based and Whole foods with zero chemical processing. Vegan, Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Gelatin free, Cruelty free, Refined sugar free, Egg Free, Chemical additives free, Preservatives free and Ethically packaged.
Safe and nurturing
Safe for pregnant, lactating women and infants. Safe for people with Lactose intolerance and celiac disease.Why?
1.High on taste and nutrition
2.Special formulation to assist quick absorption of nutrients
3.Weight management and maintenance
4.Stabilises blood sugar
5.Lowers gut inflammation
6.Boosts immunity, mental and physical acuity
7.Elevates mood
8.Fights mental fog and depression9.Cruelty free and safe for the environment
To book and for enquiries, call +917400048881 or fill in the order form at or http://www.soundnlight.in/contact-us/
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