Officials of Hyundai E&C and Korea Rural Community Corp. pose for a photo after signing an MOU at Hyundai E&C's main office in Seoul on Feb. 20.

Hyundai E&C to Promote Exports of Smart Farm Technology

Signs MOU with Korea Rural Community Corp.

Hyundai E&C (Hyundai Engineering & Construction) will actively advance into overseas markets by strengthening its eco-friendly smart farm technology.

To prepare a foothold for overseas expansion, the company signed a strategic MOU with Korea Rural Community Corp. on Feb. 20 at its headquarters in Seoul.

Under the agreement, the two companies will cooperate in overseas agricultural production base infrastructure development projects, overseas expansion of Korean-style smart farms in connection with smart city projects, and the promotion of eco-friendly joint research on smart farms.

Through this agreement, the two companies will promote an agricultural production base infrastructure project in earnest. Hyundai E&C shares its know-how in infrastructure development projects such as irrigation canals, reservoirs, energy, and seawater desalination with Korea Rural Community Corporation. The company has accumulated the know-how in the Middle East and Southeast Asia. In addition, it plans to specialize in the K-smart farm business by combining its technology with smart farm technology and networks owned by the Korea Rural Community Corporation to seek expansion into various countries.

Hyundai E&C will also promote next-generation smart farm research. The plan is to cooperate in R&D in the field of eco-friendly smart farms that utilize fuel cell electricity, heat, and carbon dioxide for agriculture for commercialization.

Article Credits: Business Korea

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