A South Africa based soft citrus company, which owns the ClemenGold brand, is going the extra mile when it comes to corporate social responsibility (CSR). “In a country where inequalities are still being addressed, companies should go beyond the call of duty and do more when it comes to making a difference,” says Marius du Plessis, ClemenGold CEO.
“An agricultural environment ideally lends itself to being people focussed and affords companies in the sector the opportunity to have an influence on human and environmental development and sustainability,” says Michelle Kruger, ClemenGold Brand Director. “Add the brand perspective to it, and you have a very creative and dynamic recipe to work with.”
Although fruit branding is ClemenGold’s business objective, the company has always been involved in developing individuals, projects that promote sustainability and creating awareness beyond the strictly commercial realm of the fruit business.

Based on the brand’s innovative, and compassionate persona, ClemenGold has chosen to support individuals and institutions who echo this. Over the years ClemenGold has worked with many artists and art initiatives, upcoming sport stars young people from agriculturally focussed areas and socially active organisations.
Zoe Julies is a talented young sportswoman who has become part of the ClemenGold family. The company sponsors Zoe’s training, competition costs, as well as her international travel to events. She received a silver medal at a recent event in Croatia and was awarded with Federation colours. Another ClemenGold sport ambassador is Douglas Edwards, a worldclass sailor. ClemenGold put some wind in his sails and he is currently a Hobie Multiworlds champion.
Art and music are in ClemenGold’s blood and various performing artists and global art initiatives have been pushed a little further along the road to success with ClemenGold’s support. Site_Specific is a global land art movement that ClemenGold sponsored. Land art integrates art with nature- aiming to promote consciousness of the planet, and ultimately sustainability. This dovetails well with any business that makes its living from the earth and nature.
Aerials Up is a localised programme aimed at bringing nature and young adults together. Groups of teenagers spend weekends in the outdoors sharing and learning life skills, including how to keep bees and their importance to the planet, and how to survive in the wild.
Dedicated coaches assist in making the experience personal for each participant. Smaller programmes, such as The Green Door Project, which works with schoolchildren of various ages from difficult social environments, also fall into ClemenGold’s social responsibility programme. ClemenGold is currently embarking on a big drive to raise consciousness of the importance of bees in food production, as
well as exploring and sponsoring new research to help combat Colony Collapse Disorder.
This article was taken from here.