Cutting Air Pollution Is Crucial to Avoiding Second COVID-19 Peak, Reveals New Report

The research has grabbed the attention of MPs in the UK who are now urging for action on the matter.

A new report by the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Air Pollution is revealing that air pollution must be curbed in order to avoid a second coronavirus peak. The research has grabbed the attention of MPs in the UK who are now urging for action on the matter.

“We need a wide-ranging air quality response as we emerge from lockdown and not an accentuated Covid-19 second peak because people get into their cars instead of using public transport or working from home,” said MP Geraint Davies, chair of the all-party parliamentary group on air pollution, according to The Guardian.

“Some proposals can be introduced immediately and will help to ensure that a second peak does not overwhelm the NHS,” he said. “All will deliver cleaner air over subsequent years to help to ensure better public health and greater resilience against future pandemics.”

The launch of the report saw scientists, businesses, and authorities all come together to share its crucial message: air pollution must be minimized. The report also proposed some useful ideas for achieving this lofty goal such as working from home to decrease traffic, increased cycle lanes, better public transport services, and the phasing out of wood and coal burning in homes.

Davies also effectively pointed out that measures to decrease pollution were similar to social distancing ones. “They go hand in hand,” he said. The MP also added that the report will be submitted to the government. Davies said: “This is something that should be on the prime minister’s desk and taken very seriously.”

“Air pollution and COVID-19 are even more dangerous together,” added Rachel Nethery at Harvard. “This information can help us prepare by encouraging these populations in areas with higher air pollution to take extra precautions and allocating extra resources.”

Article Credit: interestingengineering

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