Additionally, Solar Home Lighting was provided by BEL in anti-poaching camps and solar power was made available for charging of walkie-talkies, torches, search lights etc, used by the Forest Dept. for surveillance.

The wild animals kept meandering through the dry vegetation of the forest. The heat of the scorching sun was burning their backs as they frantically searched for water. Their ears pricked and pace fastened as they heard a gurgling sound ahead. A fawn walked cautiously to the edge of the water body and lapped up the water, looking up now and then.
The BEL team led by Shri Vikraman N, Director (HR), who saw the fawn quench its thirst were thrilled to see the sustainable ecosystem for flora and fauna created by BEL’s unique CSR intervention of making water available to the wild animals of M M Hills Wildlife Sanctuary.
Being a dry deciduous forest, M M Hills Wildlife Sanctuary receives scanty rainfall, resulting in scarcity of water. Animals including elephants tend to move out of the protected area and enter into villages, searching for water, resulting in human-animal conflict.
During his visit, Shri Vikraman N dedicated the interventions undertaken by BEL that helped to reduce this human-animal conflict, to Shri Ankaraju N M, Assistant Conservator of Forest (ACF), Cauvery Wildlife Sub-division, Kollegal, Govt. of Karnataka, on 18 & 19 March 2024.
The interventions included the restoration of water bodies, provision of borewells and solar water pumping systems, and construction of check dams on naturally flowing streams to hold water.
Additionally, Solar Home Lighting was provided by BEL in anti-poaching camps and solar power was made available for charging of walkie-talkies, torches, search lights etc, used by the Forest Dept. for surveillance.
Shri Sanjay Agarwal, GM (CS/CO), senior officials from BEL-CO & BEL-Bangalore Complex, Dy Conservator of Forests, Range Forest Officers and other officials from the Forest Dept, Govt. of Karnataka, also participated in the visit.
During his interactions, the Assistant Conservator of Forests mentioned that the water bodies restored by BEL were an oasis in the forest for the wild animals, aquatic life, birds & flora.
Navratna PSU Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) has been a forerunner in promoting societal development. As a corporate entity, BEL actively participates in the social, economic and environmental development of the surroundings in which it operates.
Article Credit: psuconnect