Celebrating Earth Day

Celebrating Earth Day: Eco-friendly steps that you can take

By making some simple changes like these in your everyday life, you can help reduce your carbon footprint.


Earth Day is today, and taking steps to be more eco-friendly is easier than you think.

It all starts with an eco-conscious mindset by asking yourself during daily tasks, “How can I reduce my carbon footprint today?”

It can start from the moment you wake up in the morning. One of your first trips is likely to the bathroom.

Whether you’re brushing your teeth, washing your face or shaving, you can turn the faucet off during these activities to save water.

Speaking of water, one of the easiest ways to reduce the number of plastic water bottles that end up in our oceans and landfills is to use reusable bottles, which can easily be found online or in stores.

While shopping, whether it’s for clothes, everyday items or groceries, opt for reusable shopping bags and skip the plastic ones as often as you can.

Reusable shopping bags are affordable and help cut down on plastic waste ending up in our oceans and landfills.

One final tip that not only benefits our environment but you as well, when possible, walk or bike instead of driving.

Some of our largest CO2 emissions come from vehicles.

If you have some errands that are within walking or biking distance, maybe try leaving the car behind next time.

By making some simple changes like these in your everyday life, you can help reduce your carbon footprint.

Article Credits: Action News

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