
Case Study – Fuji Xerox Singapore gives youth a helping hand

AMID growing concerns about social and environmental change, an increasing number of organisations’ success is being measured not just in terms of profits and providing jobs but also in how they contribute to the community.

Source: Fuji Xerox. Pauline Chua, General Manager of Human Capital and Corporate Social Responsibility, Fuji Xerox Singapore, together with her CSR team

Fuji Xerox Singapore, a document services and communications company, is no different. Having been active in corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities for over 30 years, it is doing its part for local and regional communities through several social contributions.

Pauline Chua, GM of human capital and CSR, said: “We believe we exist in an ecosystem that supports and relies on one another. So it’s only natural and responsible that if we are doing well, we give back to the economy. CSR is in our DNA.”
Three years ago, Fuji Xerox Singapore started partnering Beyond Social Services (BSS), a local charity group that focuses on youths from disadvantaged families, as part of its “smile pack” campaign, to distribute food packs to the families.

Last year, the company had close to 200 employees distributing 1,000 food packs to 1,000 families.

In its 2014-15 financial year, the company sponsored six graduation ceremonies which saw 378 graduating students and 1,300 attendees. In addition to sponsoring, it introduced the Fuji Xerox Elite Awards to recognise students who have done well in school and contributed to society.

Each year, Fuji Xerox Singapore also organises a football match between its senior management team members and boys from BSS. Ms Chua said such events allow them to engage the beneficiaries and employees, and encourage volunteerism.

Efforts of these employees do not go unrecognised. They receive a reward for every compliment that comes in and the firm concurrently makes a donation to Singapore Children’s Society.

Beyond employees, customers and partners are also included in CSR involvement, said Ms Chua. For example, each year, Fuji Xerox Singapore hosts a charity movie screening in which tickets are purchased by employees, customers and partners. Mailers are sent out to seek support from them to purchase tickets for the families of BSS beneficiaries as well.

Looking into the future of its corporate giving, Fuji Xerox Singapore said that as part of its focus on youths, its upcoming projects will involve working with educational institutions, from pre-schoolers right through to tertiary level.

The company also said it is talking to several educational institutions to see how they can partner them or the CSR committees within them. Internship opportunities for these students are also being explored.

Besides serving BSS and Singapore Children’s Society, the company also reaches out to several other local charity organisations such as Boys’ Town, Children’s Cancer Foundation, Boys’ Brigade, and Food from the Heart.

To sustain a culture of giving and to support the development of society, Fuji Xerox Singapore hopes other well-to-do companies will also contribute in whatever way they can.

Ms Chua concluded: “We believe that community involvement creates greater employee engagement and enablement. Likewise, companies can provide the opportunity for employees to proactively make a difference to the community by sharing in our belief that CSR makes work meaningful – which is pivotal in attracting and retaining talent in today’s business environment.”

This article was taken from here.

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