Beckley youth recognized with Everyday Young Hero award

Lexi Jones, a fifth-grader at Crescent Elementary School, was recognized on Jan. 16 for her “exemplary community service” with the Youth Service America’s (YSA) Everyday Young Hero award, which recognizes young people who are actively engaged in serving their communities and acting as a role model to other potential change makers.

Lexi Jones, 10, creator of Lexi’s List — a resource that details the material needs of several local nonprofit organizations — was recognized on Jan. 16 for her “exemplary community service” with the Youth Service America’s (YSA) Everyday Young Hero award, which recognizes young people who are actively engaged in serving their communities and acting as a role model to other potential change makers.

Since November, Lexi, a fifth-grader at Crescent Elementary School, facilitated donations of over $11,000 to the nonprofits on her list, which have increased in both donations and volunteers since the list was shared.

“Jones’ work has had a huge impact on her community…,” stated a YSA press release, which added that the award is a chance to shine a light on young heroes who would otherwise go unnoticed.

“We know that young people are uniquely suited to help solve problems — if given the opportunity,” said Steven A. Culbertson, president of YSA. “Today’s social and environmental problems are immense; we need youth in this country to be leaders and problem solvers today, not just the leaders of a distant tomorrow.”

Founded in 1986, Youth Service America supports a global culture of engaged children and youth committed to a lifetime of meaningful service, learning, and leadership.

“With half the world’s population under age 25, our mission is to help all young people find their voice, take action, and make an impact on vital community issues,” the organization’s website states.

“Starting in 2016, Youth Service America will focus all our assets and outcomes on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.”

“It makes me excited,” Lexi said of the award. “I hope it makes other people want to go out and help.”

According to Jerika Jones, Lexi’s mother, Lexi was anonymously nominated for the award.

“Lexi has been shy about receiving certificates and recognition. She’s humble and her goal wasn’t ever to get an award, but to get information out about who needs help and how to help them, so people could. She wanted to support the tons of everyday heroes in her community (the nonprofits and volunteers who run them). I remind her that getting an award also reminds people that there is a list and the nonprofits she is helping will get more exposure, so that’s what keeps her going.”

Jones said Lexi’s story was emailed to over 30,000 individuals in YSA’s newsletter.

“That’s incredible, because if even one of those 30,000 people creates a list for their hometown, imagine how much more the nonprofits where they live will receive. I’m happy that people are inspired by Lexi. When you consistently learn from your child and look up to them, that’s the best reward to a parent. Lexi is as a person is a true example of being selfless and making the world a better place … she truly is an everyday hero.”

When asked if she felt like she was a role model to others her age, Lexi’s answer was simple.
“I hope so because maybe other people will make lists too and help other towns and nonprofits.”

She added that a lot of her friends give back too, whether it’s in church, Girl Scouts, 4-H or school.

“We all help each other to keep doing good things.”

Aside from maintaining her list, Lexi is involved in the community in many other ways. She is a Humane Society volunteer, a Girl Scout, and the recreation leader in her 4-H group — a position she was voted into.

Lexi also picks up trash, participates in clothing drives, helps recycle at her school, and volunteers in her school’s Special Needs classroom whenever possible.

To view Lexi’s feature on YSA visit or visit YSA’s Facebook, Twitter or Instagram pages.

To donate to one of the organization on Lexi’s List or to learn more about how and where to donate, email Lexi at

Lexi is updating her list because she has learned about new places in the area that need help.

Article Credit: register-herald

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