
Does Socially Responsible Investing Make Financial Sense?

Some think it gives investors an edge, but critics point to poor results.Socially responsible investing has come a long way from the days when it mostly meant not buying the shares of companies in controversial industries such as tobacco, firearms, alcohol or gambling. Now, investors who favor this approach routinely consider a broad range of …

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In a Post-CSR World, Can Purpose Really Co-Exist with Profit?

When Leonardo DiCaprio channeled his long-awaited Oscars acceptance speech recently into an urgent call to climate action, it represented something of a defining moment.   In just 60 seconds, he effortlessly pushed the emerging concept of ‘society as stakeholder’ into the media spotlight, forcing more than 34 million viewers to take note.


Namibia Fishing companies: CSR Case Study

The Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources earlier this week was reported in the local media expressing dissatisfaction with the level of corporate social responsibility (CSR) practiced by the Namibian fishing companies. Surely the dissatisfaction of the minister is understandable and must be understood, all things being equal. Especially, once all the financial figures of …

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How much was spent on CSR activities in 2014-15? Is it even helping?

CSR activities by companies often see grandeur and quite obviously huge expenditure. In 2014-15, a whopping 6388 crore rupees were spent by 460 companies, but did it really help changing something and contribute to the environment or the community? Let’s take a look.   A total of 6388 crore rupees were spent on Corporate Social …

How much was spent on CSR activities in 2014-15? Is it even helping? Read More »


Corporate Social Responsibility Matters: How One Company Is Changing the World

These days, the public is demanding more than ever from brands they buy from–and increasingly it is rewarding companies whose services and products are both good for them and good for society. The good news is that a growing number of businesses have responded in kind. In August, Fortune came out with its Change the …

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