Body Shop campaigns to protect endangered Indian elephant

MUMBAI: The Body Shop announced its latest CSR initiative for the Indian market, of commencing its Bio-Bridge project in Garo Hills, Meghalaya, India. It has pledged to help protect the endangered Indian Elephant and Western Hoolock Gibbon by constructing the Bio-Bridge with every transaction during a three month-long campaign.


Bio-Bridges aim to address the problem of habitat fragmentation by protecting and regenerating corridors between healthy forest, linking isolated and endangered animals and plant species. This allows animals to travel more widely in search of mates and helps them thrive.

The Body Shop India brand ambassador Jacqueline Fernandez said: “It’s very encouraging to see a beauty brand taking a lead in wildlife conservation and community development.”

The Body Shop India COO Shriti Malhotra said, “We are very happy that Garo Hills has been selected as one of the project locations for The Body Shop international Bio-Bridge programme. Having a project in India is a great platform not only to benefit the Garo Hills Biodiversity but also to raise consumer awareness.”

Wild Life Trust of India joint director and head – Wild Lands Sunil Kyarong says, “The Garo Green Spine is critical in North East India supporting about a 1000 elephants connecting two treasure houses of biodiversity – the Nokrek and the Balphakram National Park. The campaign will go a long way in helping WTI and WLT to protect the Canopies, Corridors and Catchments of Garo Green Spine for enhancing the survival prospects of wildlife in the region.”

Article Source: Indian Television

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