Dutee Chand gearing up to win India a Gold at Tokyo 2020!

Winning a Gold is not an overnight achievement. Therefore, to make sure that our Olympians do well in Tokyo, we have to support them today!

SLSV, EPIC Channel and Impact Guru have come together to back our Olympians in their quest to win a gold at Tokyo 2020.

Here is a story of Dutee Chand:

Dutee Chand


Date of Birth: 3 February 1996 (21 years)
Place: Gopalpur, Odisha
Sport: Athletics (100m Sprint)

Top Achievements so far:

Gold medalist, 20th Federation Cup Senior National Athletics Championship, 2016, New Delhi
Two Gold medals at Asian Junior Athletics Championship, 2014, Taiwan
Bronze medalist, Asian Championship, 2013, Pune
National Champion in the Under-18 category, 2012

With this much to her credit, she was barred from qualifying for the 2014 Commonwealth Games, when she failed the gender test because of a rare condition, which causes her body to produce large amounts of testosterone. She fought a difficult battle against the IAAF (Indian Association of Athletics Federation) to revoke the ban and finally won! However, the lawsuit took away almost a year of training and practice from her and though projected as one of the top contenders at Rio 2014, she missed qualifying for the semifinals by one-hundredth of a second.

She currently trains at an institute supported by Pullela Gopichand in Hyderabad and is gearing up to win India a Gold at Tokyo 2020!

Article Source: Impact Guru

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