The XX factor – Getting more Young Women ready for STEM jobs

More girls and women than ever before are studying and excelling in science, technology, engineering and applied mathematics (STEM) studies, but those gains are not being reflected in the workforce, according to a new research report published today by the American Association of University Women (AAUW).


The number of women working as computer scientists is actually declining, and women still make up only 12 percent of working engineers, according to the AAUW report, “Solving the Equation: The Variables for Women’s Success in Engineering and Computing.” Even more troubling, qualified women are leaving the STEM workforce in large numbers, even though there is rising demand for their skills and even though STEM jobs offer more flexibility for balancing work-life issues than many other professions, according to the AAUW research.

Why? “Solving the Equation” concludes that the reasons are complex and involve social, educational, personal and workplace issues. But one theme emerges again and again: Stereotypes and biases play a major role in discouraging women from pursuing careers in STEM professions, starting early in life and continuing into the workplace.

We can’t level the playing field for women in STEM professions without counteracting those stereotypes and biases. For example, the idea that “boys are naturally better at math and science than girls are” is a persistent stereotype, and bias often plays a role in the workplace, as studies find that employers are more likely to hire male than female candidates for science and math jobs regardless of qualifications.

But we’re making progress. “Solving the Equation” identifies a number of successful strategies for counteracting those biases and making academic and work environments more welcoming to women.
For example, a familiar stereotype about engineering and computer science jobs is that they are solitary occupations offering few opportunities for contributing to society. Research has found that women are more likely than men to prioritize communal goals, such as work in which they can see an impact for societal good, over other career goals. When teachers and mentors emphasize the importance of computer science and engineering in helping to address global and community problems, however, women are more likely to be attracted to those professions and less likely to disengage.
Another example: At Harvey Mudd College in Claremont, Calif., one of the world’s premier colleges of science, mathematics, and engineering, the percentage of women among graduates of its computer science programs jumped to 40 percent from 12 percent in just five years. Those swift gains are the result of three relatively simple changes.
First, the college has made the computer science path more welcoming by revising introductory classes, splitting them into two levels based on experience. Then, after just one year in college, students are offered research opportunities to give them project-based work and learning experiences. And third, female students attend the annual Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, the largest gathering of women in technical professions, where they can meet and interact with successful role models.
Put another way, Harvey Mudd College made entry into the STEM environment more welcoming to women, created experiences to help women build confidence and achieve success, and exposed women to role models who shattered stereotypes, undermined biases and provided social opportunities.
We think those simple changes have applicability not just in college but also in middle school and the workplace. Broadcom Presents Design_CODE_Build, a program Broadcom Foundation created in partnership with the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, Calif., has achieved success by giving middle school girls the opportunity to engage in fun, hands-on projects that require teamwork, problem-solving and attention to detail. Design_CODE_Build also introduces students to project mentors and “rock star” scientists and engineers from local technology companies.

Now the challenge is to apply these proven strategies to the workplace. These early signs of success will be diminished if women who earn degrees in STEM disciplines continue to leave their jobs in such great numbers or choose not to take those jobs at all.
Increasing the number of women in STEM jobs is good for business. Diversity fosters innovation through the infusion of new ideas and perspectives, and that in turn enhances our global competitiveness.
The closer we move toward gender parity in computer science and engineering, the more welcoming and engaging for women our workplaces will be. As more women advance in STEM occupations, stereotypes and biases will break down, and the more role models there will be for future generations of women. It’s a calculus of success. Working together, we can solve the equation.


This article was taken from here.

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