6-Year-Old Boy Uses Money He Saved for Disney Trip to Help Hurricane Dorian Evacuees

“I wanted to be generous and live to give,” the boy said

Jermaine Bell will spend his seventh birthday helping those affected by Hurricane Dorian.

According to WJBF, the 6-year-old had been saving up his money in order to spend his birthday at Disney World later this week. Instead, he’s now using the money to help evacuees in South Carolina.

“The people that are traveling to go to places, I wanted them to have some food to eat, so they can enjoy the ride to the place that they’re going to stay at,” he told the outlet.

Bell spent his birthday money on hot dogs, chips and water, and stood alongside a highway in Allendale, South Carolina to give the free food to coastal evacuees as they headed inland.

According to CNN, he served over 100 evacuees on Monday, his first day out on the highway, but Bell said he’s helped “a lot” more in the days since.

“I wanted to be generous and live to give,” he told WJBF.
Hurricane Dorian passes Florida

“I am very proud,” Bell’s grandmother Aretha Grant told CNN. “We knew Jermaine was very special, but we didn’t know he was special in this way to be such a giver like this.”

After the storm passes, Bell told WJBF that he hopes his trip to Disney World can still happen, explaining that he wants to go to “Animal Kingdom and see lots of lions and have a Lion King party.”

Hurricane Dorian devastated the Bahamas , passed Florida and was hitting the Carolinas as the storm moved up the east coast of the United States.

More than one million people in North and South Carolina were forced to evacuate as the Category 2 storm inched closer, according to CNN.

Article Credit: people

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