12-Year-Old Girl Starts Her Own Free Library Cuz Knowledge Trumps Money

A 12-year-old girl from Kochi has proved that it takes a single person to break a norm. One experience changed her life and she is here to help others have a better chance at knowledge and education. 

A lover of books and reading, Yashoda D. Shenoy is out to stake claim as the “youngest librarian” possibly in the entire country. The 12-year-old has set up a free library in Kochi, Kerala. The library which boasts of a collection of 3,500 books almost all collected through donations is under her own name–Yashoda’s Library. Currently, the library has 110 members who enjoy the privileges of this free-of-cost space of learning. 

In an interview to news agency ANI, Yashoda said, “My library contains over 2,500 books in Malayalam language and about 1,000 in English. This library is free for everyone, with no membership charges and no fine charges in case of delay in returning books.”

She also happily declared that it was eventually her family’s support that her wish to run her own library was actualised. Yashoda said, “My father started posting on Facebook and the responses were overwhelming, people donated books for my library.”

She further added, “Since then, I have been receiving donations by the general public and that is how I have been maintaining a good collection of books in this library.”

How did she start?
According to the young and proud librarian, she developed the habit of reading in third grade. But what really prompted her to have her own library that too running as a non-profit organisation? One eventful day, according to Yashoda, she failed to return a book she had lent from a nearby library. As norms of uniform rules and regulations apply, she had to pay a fine for the delay. The incident left her worried about how children hailing from low-income backgrounds could read or become members of a library?

Inspired by her own thoughts and concerns, she hit upon the idea of a library which would be free of cost. People would not have to pay a penny for a membership here nor would they be imposed fines for returning books beyond the due date. The thoughtful young girl wants to one day become an advocate. Her father, Dinesh. R. Shenoy, couldn’t hide his pride either and said, “Yashoda loves to read books, and she believes that reading should be free for everyone. Her brother is also a member of her library. I am very proud of my daughter.” 

The direction and passion that a young child all of 12 years of age has managed to stir up in their own life is exemplary. Young children can learn from her and put their time and knowledge to constructive use rather than just social media scrolling. 

1 thought on “12-Year-Old Girl Starts Her Own Free Library Cuz Knowledge Trumps Money”

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